FAE Burgos
Is the Confederation of business associations, an entrepreneur organization of provincial area and of intersectoral character.
Actually composed of 70 federations or associations of entrepreneurs from Burgos and province and more than 3.700 companies with more than 18.000 workers belonging to all economic sectors: Industry, Trade, Construction, Hospitality and Services.
The 98% of these companies are small or medium, not exceeding of 250 workers.
FAE is an institution with a desire of integration and business unit, whose vocation and main purpose are: Representation, Coordination, Development, Management and defend the interests of all entrepreneurs from Burgos and provincial area.
FAE is a direct member of:
CEOE, the Spanish Confederation of Entrepreneurs.
CEPYME, the Spanish Confederation of Small and Medium Enterprises.
CEOCYL, the Confederation of Entrepreneurs of Castilla and León.
The main missions of FAE are:
✓ Institutional and social representation of entrepreneurship in the public administrations and others publics entities of local, regional and state levels character.
✓ Defense of the general interests of the company, encouraging the free initiative and market economy.
✓ Contribution to Social Dialogue through collective negotiation and labor policy successful.
✓ Cooperate with the administration and all institutions, especially the Unions, to achieve a stable growth and a better quality of life.
✓ The promotion of business vocation and the start-ups business continuous improvement and the social and economic development of the province of Burgos.
FAE it is called “The House of the Entrepreneurs”. The headquarters of the Confederation is an historic building from 1929 with four floors and recently rehabilitated in which 26 people currently work.
Its structure provides companies with the following particular services, for which there are a number of departments within the Confederation, headed by a technician responsible for the matter, who channel each of these services more closely and exhaustively, like:
▪ Labor legal: with main attention to collective negotiation with Unions.
▪ Tax Consulting.
▪ Occupational Health and Safety.
▪ Environment.
▪ Digitization: to support companies for their digital transformation.
▪ Area of Grants and Subsidies: Advice on grants from different government.
▪ Training.
▪ Communication and Press.
▪ Accounting and General Services Administration.
▪ Marketing.
▪ Projects.
Many of these departments will contribute to achieving the final objective of the project that we are going to start.
Regarding the contribution and objectives of FAE in the EAGLE Project, it will consist to meet the needs of small and medium-sized companies to adpt training to their demands, and that their workers, both, managers and employees, develop advanced digital skills.
Finally, we are going to give way to a short video that through images and sounds is going to show us the importance of the industrial sector in Burgos, titled: BURGOS BUSINESS SYMPHONY.