Matej Bel University

Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica


Matej Bel University is a public university and a member of the European University Association. It is the leading university in Central Slovakia with an important international outreach. It consists of 6 faculties, has 450 staff members and almost 7,000 students. It offers a classic range of university education opportunities at all three levels and forms of studies in the areas of education, social science, economy, law, political science and international relations, humanities and natural sciences. It provides Anglophonic and partially Francophonic studies. UMB develops joint study programmes and other cooperations with major foreign universities, where the students have the opportunity to complete part of their studies. Therefore, UMB graduates are efficient in finding their place in the labour market not only at home but also abroad.

Alongside with educational activities, a significant part of creative MBU activities is represented by basic and applied research in cooperation with national and international institutions. The University is a centre of research excellence and scientific and development projects are funded by means of European Structural Funds. Furthermore, it implements lifelong learning in a variety of courses and forms of the MBU Children’s University and the MBU University of the Third Age. It provides students with sufficient opportunities for a variety of social activities through a wide range of sport clubs, artistic ensembles and student organisations operating at UMB. The University seeks constantly to offer innovations, such as personalized student and staff support schemes, new mentoring programmes, peer (tandem) learning, methods supporting learners’ autonomy, recognition of informal learning outcomes etc. UMB is an active actor in local an regional community life, giving an important institutional support to the implementation of service-learning and challenge-based learning strategies.